RTCCodecStats: sdpFmtpLine property

The sdpFmtpLine property of the RTCCodecStats dictionary is a string containing the format-specific parameters of the codec.

These are the values in the "a=fmtp" line in the codec's SDP (if present) after the payload type number (see section 5.8 of the IETF specification for JSEP).


A string containing the format-specific parameters of the codec.


The "a=fmtp" line in the codec's SDP line has the following format, where the payload type (see RTCCodecStats.payloadType) and parameters depend on the codec:

a=fmtp:<payload_type_number> param1=value1; ...; paramN=valueN

For example, the following line would indicate that the "opus" codec, which has a payloadType 99, has the format-specific parameters maxplaybackrate and stereo:

a=fmtp:99 maxplaybackrate=16000; stereo=1;

For this codec, the value in sdpFmtpLine would be maxplaybackrate=16000; stereo=1;.


Identifiers for WebRTC's Statistics API
# dom-rtccodecstats-sdpfmtpline

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also